info from base Element14
info from base Element14
info from base Element14
住所 本社 : 〒103-0007 東京都中央区日本橋浜町2-20-6花岡ビル3F 関西営業所 : 〒532-0011 大阪府大阪市淀川区西中島6-3-32 第2新大阪ビル 電話番号 03-5614-9177 土日祝夜も電話お待ちし...
Leoco Introduction Founded in 1981 Leoco is a world class manufacturer of interconnects and reaches over 26 countries with its innovative OEM and ODM designs. Leoco's mission is to expand a...
Prolific Technology Inc., a leading IC design house and ASIC design service provider, was founded in November 1997 by a group of highly experienced and specialized technical engineers. The Company...
杜邦公司是一家科学企业,提供以科学为基础的产品及服务。成立于1802年的杜邦公司致力于利用科学创造可持续的解决方案,让全球各地的人们生活得更美好、更安全和更健康。 如今,杜邦在全球拥有60,000多名员工...
美蓓亚将把促进中国事业的发展视作为21世纪集团进一步发展的重要战略。 1994年,美蓓亚在上海市西郊风光明媚的淀山湖畔设立了集团在中国的第一个当地法人- 「上海美蓓亚精密机电有限公司」,开始了美蓓亚的...
The Shinyei Group has always sought to make new value through creation in a wide range of fields, from textiles, apparel and foodstuffs to housing materials and electronics. We will continue to cr...
Neohm Componenti S.r.l. was founded in March 1990 with the acquisition of Neohm Electronics know how, brand and experience, a company on the international electronics market since the early sixtie...
info from base Element14