XP Power 致力于提供最佳的技术和商业解决方案以满足客户需求。 专注于电源转换器 总收入1.5亿美元 全球技术和销售支持 伦敦证券交易所上市 ISO9001认证的质量管理体系 XP Power 提供电子行业所需的电源,...
Chicago Miniature Lighting (ChML) is proud to offer you the most comprehensive line of lighting components in the industry. They've built a reputation for providing superior quality, reliabili...
光寶集團成立於1975年,最早是由生產發光二極體(LED)起家,1983年率先推動股票上市,擁有台灣第一家掛牌上市的電子公司,光寶科技股票代號「2301」,這是象徵位居國內資訊科技產業「第一」的開創精神。 光寶...
Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of high-quality analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products. We are dedicated to providing you with proprietary solutions and breakthrough technology i...
TT electronics plc is a focused, global electronics company supplying the world's leading manufacturers in the automotive, defence, aerospace, telecommunications, computing and industrial elec...
Fox crystals, oscillators, TCXOs, VCXOs, and filters are used worldwide in applications ranging from wireless communications to aerospace equipment. For 25 years, Fox has provided solutions for th...
Cherry is a global leader in the design, development, and manufacture of computer keyboards, snap-action and rocker switches, magnetic sensors and controls, and automotive modules.
RECOM has served the electronics industry for more than 30 years and offers single, dual, and triple output DC/DC and AC/DC converters as standard catalogue products for fast delivery. Our princip...
原始网址:http://www.quaketech.com/ 链接网址:http://www.appliedmicro.com/
原始地址: http://www.partsnic.com