Silicon-Based Technology (SBT) Corporation was organized by a group of well-experienced engineers/researchers and young industrial investors in Taiwan, Japan, and United States. The research and d...
矽誠科技成立於1995年05月,主要系從事IC半導體設計規劃、製造及銷售,目前主要的產品包括有冷光片驅動IC、LED控制IC等產品,這些產品可以廣泛地應用於消費性或電腦週邊產品上。 矽誠科技秉...
Sensory公司由Mike Mozer、 Todd Mozer、 和Forrest Mozer于1994年共同创立,公司位于美国加利佛尼亚州,主要业务是开发、生产高性价比的语音识别产品。20多年前公司的创立者开发了第一个语音合成芯片,率先将音...
A low cost surface mount PoE module, suitable for a wide range of PoE applications, such as IP phones and gateways, web cameras and security cameras
Since its founding in 1968, Semiconductor Technology, Inc. has assumed a leading role in high voltage N-Channel mosfet and high voltage NPN/PNP transistor technology. Semiconductor Technology, Inc...
The people of Telechips can anticipate the flow of the times. Indeed, our reputation for satisfying expectations is based on the ability to work proactively on the customers behalf. Telechips is p...
凌越成立于1997年10月,为一专业IC设计公司,供应TFT-LCD显示面板驱动IC、LCD TV 控制IC、消费性IC及电脑周边等IC产品。经营及开发团队在产品设计、技术创新、市场行销及技术服务方面均积累了多年丰富的经验,结...