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EDAL INDUSTRIES INC. | Since 1958 In 1958, two enterprising young engineers, Ed Pagano and Al Prinz (Ed-Al), decided to leave secure and responsible positions with a major rectifier manufacturer ...
本公司於民國六十八年五月一日創立,係從事各類工業,通訊及家電產品使用之電容器專業製造工廠。 公司草創伊始,偏重以人工操作為主之生產流程,嗣為因應生產自動化之產業趨勢,近年來更殫精竭力於生產...
APTEK has been extensively involved with the analysis and testing to determine the response of missile systems to intense cold x-rays generated by nuclear weapons or laser systems. Included has be...
公司名称 日本电产伺服有限公司 资本 25亿4,775万 日圆 东京证券交易所市场2部 代表 田岛 卓也 董事长 成立 1949年4月19日 营业额 251 亿日圆 (2006年度) 员工 624人 截止2009年3月 (综合 2,787人...
Since its establishment in 1935, for over 70 years OSADA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. has been a domestic pioneer in the dental field specializing in dental devices and equipment for diagnosis and treatment...
UBE designs and manufactures Dielectric Ceramic Duplexer (Ceramic Duplexer), Dielectric Ceramic Bandpass Filter (Ceramic Bandpass Filter), Dielectric Ceramic Resonator, and PTC Thermister (Thermis...