Power-One is currently a leader in high-efficiency "green" power conversion and management solutions, including renewable energy. Power-One′s green products include DC-DC converters an...
Brady was founded in 1914 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, as W.H. Brady Co., and renamed Brady Corporation in 1998. The company began selling products internationally in 1947. In 1984, Brady went public...
Caddock manufactures precision resistors and resistor networks. Caddock uses unique film and process technologies to create solutions for harsh environments, for high power density, and long term ...
llinois Tool Works (ITW) Inc. designs and manufactures fasteners, components, assemblies and systems for customers around the world. The company was founded in 1912 and has more than 600 autonomou...
The headquarters of the Lumberg group are in the Westfalian town of Schalksmühle in Germany. A total of about 1000 employees work for the family-owned company. Lumberg's core areas of expert...
Electroswitch Electronic Products Division was established in 1986 as a new division of Electro Switch Corporation, which was founded in 1946. The Electronic Products Division designs and manufact...
OKW Enclosures Ltd. are the UK prepresentative for Serpac electronic enclosures. Serpac are a leading enclosures manfacturer, based in Los Angeles, California. They manufacture a huge range of ...
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info from base Element14
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華新麗華股份有限公司創立於1966年,以資本額三千萬台幣、生產鋁導體電纜起步,目前華新麗華已是大中華區電線電纜、銅線材及特殊鋼業界領導廠商,同時成功跨足高科技轉投資的國際化企業。 1972年於台灣...