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  • GRP16011/4 BK008

GRP16011/4 BK008


  • 数量单价
  • 1¥621.83
  • 2¥611.20
  • 10¥572.15
  • 20¥568.56
  • 40¥460.37
描述管与套筒 - (无收缩) 1 1/4in PROTECT SLV 25ft SPOOL BLACK类型Advanced Protection Expandable Sleeving
特点- 45 C to + 150 C temperature range, extreme abrasion resistance without losing flexibility or durability, cuts cleanly with hot knife产品Braided Expandable Sleeving
零件号别名BK008 G16011/4

grp16011/4 bk008的相关型号: