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  • SAM7-P64


  • 制造商:Olimex Ltd.(Olimex Ltd.,Olimex Ltd.)
  • 工具类型:Development Board
  • 要评估的处理器:AT91SAM7S64
  • 核心:ARM7TDMI-S
  • 接口类型:JTAG, RS-232, SPI, TWI, UART, USB


  • 数量单价
  • 1¥469.20
描述开发板和工具包 - ARM DEV BRD FOR AT91SAM7S64工作电源电压6 V
芯体结构ARM数据总线宽度32 bit
尺寸120 mm x 80 mm用于AT91SAM7S64
处理器系列AT91SAM7零件号别名1776343 52R3720


  • Using Open Source Tools for AT91SAM7 Cross Development

    program on-chip flash memory using openocd in an eclipse environment. i also improved the sample project to include examples of irq and fiq interrupts. the target boards for this tutorial are the atmel at91sam7s256-ek evaluation board and the olimex sam7-p64 board family. as before, my tutorials are targetted to the novice so experienced readers may find much of this material obvious cheers,jim lynch ...
