info from base Element14
Tadiran Batteries GmbH (formerly Sonnenschein Lithium) Tadiran is a world leader in design, development, manufacture and marketing of Lithium batteries for industrial applications LTC-Batterie...
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info from base Element14
Major League Electronics is a leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom interconnect products. Founded in 1993 and located in New Albany, Indiana - USA, Major League Electronics ...
Shoals Technologies Group is a leading manufacturer of balance of systems solutions. Through innovation and diversification Shoals has grown exponentially since its founding in 1996. Shoals mainta...
Cardinal Health, Inc. is a Fortune 18 company that improves the cost-effectiveness of health care. As the business behind health care, Cardinal Health helps pharmacies, hospitals and ambulatory ca...
本公司主要從事半導體晶片、發光二極體封裝之研究開發設計、製造、測試及前項產品進出口貿易業務,屬於 LED 下游封裝產業。近年來由於個人通訊市場之快速成本,得具體積小、省電、使用壽命長及抗壓等功能之表面黏...
Mercury Electronics is a leading provider of electrical/electronic contract manufacturing services for the commercial and military industries. In continuous operation since 1946, Mercury Electroni...
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