Our mission at Lightech is to power the global lighting industry. We invent, design, manufacture and deliver power-supplies for LED, Low-voltage Halogen and additional markets. Our drivers, transf...
虹冠電子工業股份有限公司成立於民國八十七年十二月,為一專業於電源管理類比IC產品設計之製造商,主要產品應用範圍包括資訊、通訊及消費性電子等各種電子系統產品。 虹冠電子是由一群來自台灣及北美半導體產業...
Qspeed Semiconductor provides highly-efficient power diodes for AC-to-DC power supplies, inverters, motor controls, and other power applications greater than 150W. The Qspeed Semiconductor portfol...
Since our founding in 1995, Silicon Image, Inc. has been a leader in digital connectivity and interface solutions and standards, playing a key role in the global transition to high-definition (HD)...
Welcome to Golledge Electronics Ltd! Golledge is the UK's leading supplier of frequency control products, specialising in: * Quartz Crystals * Oscillators * Real Time Clock...
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