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BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited (BCD Semi) is a leading analog integrated device manufacturer, or IDM, based in Greater China, specializing in the design, manufacture and sale of power man...
苏州仪元科技有限公司(英文简称 SIE )坐落在苏州高新开发区。 原名苏州仪表元件厂,创建于 1958 年,公司原直属北京国家机械工业部。 2003 年 10 月转制为有限责任公司。 SIE原为国家机械工业部元器件科...
威盛电子股份有限公司(Very Innovative Architecture,简称VIA),成立于1981年9月,主要经营业务是针对PC系统相关外围芯片组(Chipsets)的开发、设计,并委托晶圆代工厂制造,再以自有品牌行销全球。目前员工人数...
Optrex was formed in 1976 by Asahi Glass and Mitsubishi Electric. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Optrex has followed an aggressive policy of growth and expansion and now serves customers through a...
Times Microwave Systems 公司(TMS)是 的分部,于 1948 年作为 Times Wire and Cable Company 而成立。作为一家工程主导公司,TMS 公司专精于设计和生产高性能柔性及半刚同轴电缆、电缆接头,以及通过微波频率...
Contact DetailsContact information for our main administrative offices.Sales and DistributionContact details and links to sales contacts worldwide.Company ProfileA brief introduction to the compan...
info from base Element14
info from base Element14
info from base Element14