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info from base Element14
info from base Element14
Valpey Fisher (AMEX:VPF) is a world-leading technology company specializing in low noise timing solutions. From discrete high precision crystal oscillators to highly integrated,...
About Chip One Stop Chip One Stop (chip1stop SM - www.chip1stop.com ) is a leading online distributor of electronics components in Japan. The company offers a time-saving online one stop shoppi...
Buchanan's Frame Shop was founded by Jim Buchanan in 1958. In its first decade of operation, Buchanan's offered motorcycle frame and wheel repair. Originally, spokes and nipples were pur...
IAR Systems是全球领先的嵌入式系统开发工具和服务的供应商。公司成立于1983年,迄今已有25年,提供的产品和服务涉及到嵌入式系统的设计、开发和测试的每一个阶段,包括:带有C/C++编译器和调试器的集成开发环境...